Pay As You Go
With a PAYG card, you are able to book and pay online (by debit / credit card) for your activities. Some of the charges are listed below for your information.
You are also restricted to booking up to 3 days ahead, compared to 7 days with our monthly, annual and budget plans.
If you would rather take out the cost-effective highlife membership instead, please click here.
Swimming - Conventional Pool | £ 8.00 |
Fitness Class (per person) | £ 8.00 |
Swimming Lesson (per person in a group lesson) | £ 12.50 |
Fitness room (per person) | £ 9.10 |
Badminton / squash / table tennis etc. (per person) | £ 7.30 |
High Life Highland is a company limited by guarantee registered in Scotland No. SC407011 and is a registered Scottish charity No. SC042593.
Registered office: Highland Archive Centre, Bught Road, Inverness, IV3 5SS.